Sunday, October 10, 2004

My favourite prof!

Dr Don Favareau is a recent graduate of the University of California Los Angeles' Program in Culture, Brain and Development.

Holding degrees both in Philosophy and in Applied Linguistics, Don's early collaborations with the members of the UCLA Brain Mapping Center investigating the possible neurobiological substrate of intersubjectivity led to his current involvement in the emerging interdiscipline of biosemiotics, which is the study sign processes and their role in biological organization.

Joining USP as a member of the Writing and Critical Thinking faculty, Don is delighted to have the opportunity to introduce NUS students to the challenges and rewards of interdisciplinary study, and is currently teaching a module entitled "Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Mind."

got photo here

Warning: Incoming huge chunk of ranty text

Had a fun time today with the PTA people. Thai lesson in the morning was sanuk, dii maak! Theatre workshop was not bad, learning to loosen up a little. Much more comfortable with the group now, and I like everybody (very me to do that, I always like everybody, but of course there are a few notable exceptions but not in the thai group so far). Then we had a meeting... and honestly, by then I was starting to zone out, just had a very tedious meeting the night before and was in no mood for yet another one. But it had to be done. After that went out with Anne, Godwin, Yingkit, Soonkit and Jacky for dinner. I like Anne!!! She's really like a sister to me, or maybe it was cos there was only us two girls so we always gang up and bully Godwin =P They call me their sunshine girl (haha i wonder what they would think enai is then if they met her, super-sunshine girl?), and they said if I were an animal I'd be a sheep(Godwin) or lamb(Anne). Sorry to steal your identity lambie! Ate at sushi tei, and cos I was trying to not spend too much, I drank ALOT of green tea rather than keep taking things off the conveyor belt. We stayed SO long there that we all ended up drinking a heckuva lot of tea anyway. I had easily more than 10 cups. Sialah, the bill came up to $120 leh! but my portion was only $10, so you can imagine how much the others ordered. After that they went to The Living Room to chill out for a while. It was great, felt really comfortable with all of them, though I hardly talked and was rather stoned at many points. Yingkit is really amusing, keeps going on and on and on about China! And he's so kancheong about getting food off the conveyor belt! haha... But i wont join them next week; next week and every week thereafter i'm gonna be back where I should be, at BAY. Would have gone for the YAY today, cos I think it would have been good for me and I could be a bridge, but the meeting today was important. oh well, at least I had fun today =)


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